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School Rugby League


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    • #9627 Reply

      When I was 12 I was playing for my school rugby league team I played centre and the opposition winger on my side of the field was really dirty. If he had a spare bag hand in a tackle he would use it to either try and pull shorts down or go for your groin. I remember looking over to my winger sometime in the second half and noticed we were both trying to shyly and discretely hold our sore testicles. When I was getting changed later I noticed that the crotch of my undies had mud stains on where he’d put his hand up my shorts to squeeze my privates.

    • #10050 Reply

      A perfect handprint in mud over the bulge probably wasn’t what it looked like, but it is an amusing image…

    • #10072 Reply

      Played against a rugby team that had a ball grabber that got me pretty good a couple of times. I thought some pre-cum would come out after the second grab because of the squeeze to both balls.

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