Me and Marlie last month

Me getting my balls kicked. If you’re ever in NYC and want the same call Marlie.


By QuinnLovesHeels

Im looking for a lady who knows how to rock in a pair of heels. Good taste in shoes carries huge bonus points. I can tell everything I need to know about a woman by her taste in shoes. I'm not joking there is both a fashion sense and a deep psychological component to this and I have spent my life learning about this because of the business I used to be in. But it's all good stuff, I'm here to love you and make you feel appreciated in ways you haven't imagined-if you are the one who holds the key to this guy's heart. Oh, must be four/twenty friendly or at minimum truly tolerant........there are two things about me which will never ever change and this is one of them. Ask me what the other one is.....c'mon-you know you wanna know... Okay, that makes me sound a bit shallow and obsessive, but that's how I want to feel about the woman I pursue. There has to be a chemistry or a spark that makes a kiss more than a kiss and a gentle touch-almost electrifying under the right conditions. I want to love you inside and out-and I will let you know early and often just how much I DO love you in ways that will ring true to you. I want someone who can finish my sentences-and if she has a New York accent, even better. Though I'm going to ramble on about this for a few minutes-it's not by any means mandatory. It's just a nice little bonus for me. I find that I derive comfort from the meter and rhythm of the "New York dialect" probably because it's my native dialect and the English (albeit broken English) I grew up speaking. I grew up on Long Island and up to 1986 I spoke a lot like Joe Pesci and never thought anything about it was strange-it wasn't. My family spoke like that, we all swore a shit-ton, and nobody batted an eye. Every discussion in my childhood would sound like a fight or argument by the standards of today. But if this where you grow up-you don't know any better.....fuggeedaboutit!!! I was raised in the same town on Long Island that the real Henry Hill (Ray Liotta's role from Goodfellas) lived. He did not look anything like Ray Liotta btw. There is a certain kind of welcome familiarity that comes with a person that has a New York pedigree. One maybe not so obvious but very real benefit is that regardless if she's Jewish, I don't need to explain basic Jewish traditions and customs to her. They're so ingrained in every day life in New York. It's just part of life for everyone. Soooooooooo, Anyhow, let's chat if you want to talk about this multiple choice question I thought up below. If you answer either A, B or C-please let me know immediately. Do you think that Rueben Kincaid is: A) An underrated gem in the 1970's TV genre.... B) Someone who deserves to be kicked in the balls for being so annoying and dominated by a 9 year old boy in Danny B......or C)He's a Russian plant who was spying on the "Family Bands in America" and how Mother Russia could potentially use this model to promote its agenda. Or you can tell me what shoes you think are the hottest of all that you own and why......and don't try to BS me on this...I know my shit! And no I'm not gay-I just have a very specialized fashion sense that has never failed me in 48 years-EVER! I was born with it I suppose-lucky me!